Saturday, January 19, 2013

Shall we stop praying for Revival?

Jesus said to Patrick Fontaine, “Stop praying for revival, because it is not a revival that I have for you, but a reformation”. As I read this I felt that it needed more clarification, since the boundaries were at the time not so clear to me. This post attempts to provide the justification for this statement and explains the different impact a Reformation will have.

To best highlight the differences between the two, I would like to paint the following Scenario:

Imagine a large Christian organizational structure that has a large building at its disposal. Every Sunday thousands of people gather in this building to hear professional entertaining Christian music. The music program is then followed by a Christian theater production, dancing performance or multimedia show – or a combination of some. Then an uplifting sermon follows where people are encouraged to be positive in their outlook and to trust in the Goodness and Grace of God. Finally people are prayed for by those with an anointing to minister healing, bring prophetic words or to demolish strongholds. People leave uplifted and encouraged with a sense that they have experienced the Goodness of God and enjoy His favor. The leaders become increasingly popular on a national and international basis, which increases the drawing power of the organization. This enables many to be involved in various ministries within the organization, which is their work of service to God. The members willingly make their financial contribution to extending the great work that God is doing. The whole venture is run as a very successful business and the leaders confess and assure each other, it is God’s Business!  

The Scenario sounds great, doesn’t it?  Well, it may be great but there could also be one fundamental problem which is not so apparent at a first superficial glance. This is the opinion of God to what is happening there.

Is it possible that God may look at such a business which is so well-run in His Name and say?:
“ Forasmuch as this people draw near Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips but remove their hearts and minds far from Me, and their fear and reverence for Me are a commandment of men that is learned by repetition [without any thought as to the meaning]”    (Isaiah 29:13 Amplified Bible (AMP))

Further, to those anointed ministers is it possible that He might say?:
“Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name and driven out demons in Your name and done many mighty works in Your name? And then I will say to them openly (publicly), I never knew you; depart from Me, you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands].” (Matthew 7:21 - 23 (Amplified Bible))

As the Exodus (32) story of "The Golden Calf" makes clear, it's possible to sing, to worship, and to have a great time while being a million miles away from God!
These were the people of God after all; people who had been delivered by God's mighty hand; people who God was bringing to a better place. People who lost sight of God, and ending up worshipping a golden calf!  How does that happen?  They were worshipping a dead metal statue and actually thought that was a good thing to do!  They had no clue just how far away they had drifted- worship wasn't worship anymore.  It had turned into a party, a farce.  Moses said it best, "It is not the sound of victory, it is not the sound of defeat; it is the sound of singing that I hear!"  They had ceased from worshipping the one true God, and were now just having a big dance party, golden calf and all – under the blessing of their leaders!

Further the letters of Jesus to the Church in the Books of Revelations (3:17) seems to address just this kind of issue when He says: “For you say, I am rich; I have prospered and grown wealthy, and I am in need of nothing; and you do not realize and understand that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.” 

I am of the opinion that from a biblical perspective a Christian organization/ business described in this kind of scenario, can fall into the deadly deception of believing that all is well but having moved into a spiritually grey zone, described as “lukewarmness” by the Lord. I am not saying that this is always the case for these types of Christian organizations, but only pointing to the biblical possibility!

Let us now extend our scenario to see what would happen if Revival would suddenly occur. Let us define Revival as a time of spiritual awakening, where dramatic signs and wonders occur and many lost are swept into the Kingdom.

Due to its high profile our Christian organization will benefit immensely from a Revival. Many would arrive at the building seeking this God that they have encountered and whose touch they have felt. As they become members of this organization the prevailing system of Christian living would be imprinted upon them and they would accept that this is the Christian Life Style that is pleasing to God. Those affected by the Revival would soon learn by repetition what is acceptable and what is not acceptable (as defined by the organization). They would become good members, contribute to the now necessary new building program and probably bring forth many years of service in one of the ministry programs that the organization offers.       

Sadly, this may be the worst thing that could ever happen to them, if the Lord decides that their learned “Lukewarmness” leaves Him no other alternative but to spit them out of His mouth. (Revelations 3:16)

This could very well be why the Lord told Patrick Fontaine, “Stop praying for revival!”

Patrick explains as follows: “What we really need is a reformation! The very worst thing that could happen is a revival. Jesus is protecting us from a revival, because if we had a revival we would never question if what we are doing is right or not. We would think that we are living in God's favor. We would continue building on the tower of Babel and would draw even more people into living and working in the prison of Babylon. That is why the worst thing that could happen to us is revival. The best thing that could happen is reformation. Nothing else!”

Ellen White writing in 1902 described the difference between Revival and Reformation as follows:
“Revival and reformation are two different things. Revival signifies a renewal of spiritual life, a quickening of the powers of mind and heart, a resurrection from spiritual death. Reformation signifies reorganization, a change in ideas and theories, habits and practices.”

So according to Ellen, Reformation has to do with a change in organization (Structure), a change in ideas and theories (Theology) and a change in habits and practices (Lifestyle). Interestingly, these three dimensions are found in the explanation of the Reformation that the Lord plans for this generation, as Patrick explained:

Jesus said, “I will change the understanding and expression of Christianity within one generation”. He reports that Jesus said He will first change the understanding and then the expression of Christianity. Further, “I will bring forth a reformation that has never been experienced on earth, because the reformation will be in 3 dimensions. There will be a reformation in theology”, because we really need that our thinking in what we believe be changed. Then a reformation in Lifestyle (how you live out righteousness), you will live differently because you believe differently. Finally after that, a reformation of the structure will occur, one that won't be of human origin.

Watchman Nee (The Spiritual Man (1928)) notes Attempting to follow Him without denying the self is the root of all failures.” The denial of self is intrinsically related to destroying the power of sin in the life of a believer and the renunciation of the world.  (Romans 6)
Through this the works of the devil become ineffective and is for all practical intentions are destroyed. (1. John 3:8)

Correcting such a central problem that lies at the root cause of Christian organisations going astray needs to be done through sound and bold theology first, which will lead to a transformation of lifestyle and from this the body of believers (or rather disciples) will be fully submitted and surrendered to their King, who now shapes and moulds His Body according to His Will and Purpose.

Picking up on the scenario, a new transformed Church will be in position to assimilate new disciples into the organisation teaching them the theology and lifestyle which allows them to lead fruitful lives that are pleasing to the King of Kings.   

If what Patrick experienced is credible (Mike Bickle received the same word as he explains in “Growing in the Prophetic”, (Creation House, 1996) pp 29-30), then we have very good reason to pray according to the revealed Will of the Lord knowing that it is at the same time a very biblically sound request, that the Lord bring forth true disciples upon the earth to bring in the harvest – and that He is the One that will build His Church! 
