When Ana
Mendez Ferrell visited the island of Patmos in 1999, she received some visions
that gave her deeper insight into some aspects of the Book of the Revelation of
Jesus Christ, the last book in the Christian Bible. In a third vision she
received an insight into Babylon, the system of man that attempts to destroy the
spiritual life of the believer (Detailed in Revelation Chapter 17 and 18). This
vision correlates so closely with insights from other prophetic people (e.g. Patrick
Fountaine) that it demands that we should take careful note of it. In this
vision a man dressed in white garments appeared to Ana holding a little book in
one of his hands and a key chain with many keys in the other. On page 122 in
her book titled “Apocalypse:
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, 2012”, she describes what then happened as
I asked
who he was and why had he come, and he answered me, "I
am one of the prophets of the Most High and I have been given the keys to open the
prophecy. Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy, and many Words have been closed up, and
it has been granted us as prophets to open them." He then opened the little
book and handed me a key. When I touched his hand to take it, a very bright light
lit up my eyes as if they had their own light, and suddenly we were transported
to desert plain in the midst of which was a very prosperous city. Although we
were at a distance, we could see what was happening inside in full detail
The city had a grotesque and abominable queen living in her palace with her
son, and both had cast hexes and spells to ally themselves with the powers of the
kingdom of darkness. The greater principalities gave them strength to extend their
empire. Kings and peoples from the four corners of the Earth would come to them; big and small were entered into covenant and
made to drink from a chalice that would inebriate them and have them believe their
Upon drinking it, they were immediately surrounded by shadows that would speak
to them while covering their eyes and ears. They laughed and felt happy because
of the beverage that affected their reasoning and gave them great dreams, visions,
and strength.
Their empire filled the whole Earth, and men would bring their wickedness
as a tribute to them by doing this. Their empire became progressively enlarged
and made more powerful. Then an opening above the city appeared as what seemed
to be a different heaven from the one we were in; it was like a black hole, and
it was horrendous.
In an instant, the prophet and I were there. This place was the same city but
seen in another form. It no longer had the splendour and prosperity of the
former one. It had turned into an enormous building in the shape of a dark and sinister pyramid; there
were birds of prey and ravens everywhere. Inside and out there were prisons filled
with millions of persons. The city had what looked like tentacles and highways that that came out of it and reached thousands of cities
arranged in a similar fashion. These were the spiritual cities of deep darkness
that are above each of Earth's metropolises.
Both above and below the city there were several dimensional planes. Some
would sink to a horrid depth, and others appeared to be different levels above.
I asked the prophet what those places were and where
we were. He told me, "This is the abominable city, the great harlot that
has held the nations and the peoples captive. She captivates them through
commerce, religion and politics." He then added, "Here the dimensions
of the spirit are not like those on Earth where only one apparently solid
existential plane in three dimensions is visible. There are many more
dimensions here, like the ones you saw in Heaven, the multiple dimensions of the
Most High."
There were seven high mountains around the city, which were reflected in
each of the different planes, like when you put one mirror in front of another.
The roadways joined the mountains of the great city and served as supply routes
from the seas, hell, from sinfull men, and from the moon, the sun, and the constelations.
We entered through the city gates, which were cluttered with masonic and witchcraft
symbols. There was a curtain at the entrance made of something like a liquid cloud;
everyone who entered had to go through it. I saw millions of persons cross it. They
came through in chains and in yokes. Others came s0 burdened by demons they could barely
walk. As they cross, an aqueous, imperceptible mask that affected their whole reality
came over them and covered their faces. The mask enabled them to feel good and
to view the abominable as precious. They called evil good and good evil, yet
they were nothing more than robots in a system.
Upon seeing this, I was afraid to cross over, but the prophet took one of his
keys and extended it in front of the watery door that opened without touching
us. I then noticed that a magnificent covering of light surrounded us. The
prophet told me, "Fear not for those who have the Spirit of Prophecy can cross
through here without being touched. Jesus is the Truth and he who walks in it, walks
in His Light."
After crossing, we entered a deep murk. Inside was a city with streets and
public squares, but all over there were prisons at differing levels of depth and darkness. We walked a long way until we reached
an avenue that led to one of the mountains. The name of this mountain was Religion, and the
avenue was Jezebel. An enormous demon was guarding it and directing the people
towards the mountain. There were many dining areas along the avenue where people delighted themselves
in getting fat. Some never reached the mountain; instead, they fell into the abyss where thev continued getting
fat and worshipped a horrible demon whose appearance was like that of a toad whose
skin overflowed with food of all sorts. It was the spirit of gluttony that
served the queen prostitute next to the other two toads. One was Mammon, the god of
riches, and the other was Pharmakeia, the goddess of sorcery.
When we got to the mountain, I was jolted by the sharp resemblance it had to
the mountain of God that I had seen in His glory, full of small mountains where all of them comprised Jesus.
The mountain here was a great pyramid and full of small pyramids. Each one
had the name of a kingdom, and a man was exalted at the summit. The pyramid was
made of partition walls that formed prisons, all of which were grounded from a
dark substance full of lettering. All of the prisons were conformed to the
image of the man at the summit, and they all wore masks from the water cloud. They were continuously fed contaminated
food, but they perceived it as delicious due to the mask and because they yearned
to be a pyramid.
Inside the prisons, everyone felt they were dying; they were thirsty and
hungry but couldn't leave because they were tormented by demons of fear and
guilt. There were pyramids from all religions and unfortunately also from Christianity.
Then the prophet showed me something that filled me with great pain. We were
facing the pyramids filled with Christians - children of God -, and in the hands
of every man at the summit was an oil lamp, many of which were out. They spoke
about Jesus; men and women called by God and anointed by God, but they had allowed
their own names to grow more important in their own lives than Jesus'. People
inside the prisons clamoured the names of these men and women and relied on them
to ease their pains.
I wept because I saw us, millions of Christians there; either one way or another, we had been made captive
to Babylon's system. I also saw myself; I was on a
throne judging others and covered by the filthiness of my own
righteousness. When I saw myself, I fell prostrate before Jesus in deep repentance.
I then saw a vision within a vision, and I was taken to another
place for a moment. Jesus wanted to show me what would give me the standard by
which to never again judge others and to begin my own exit out of Babylon.
I found myself facing a gigantic mouth
like that of a whale. From inside it a force would come out and suction me to the
inside while I was crying out the name of Jesus. Suddenly, the force stopped
and I heard the voice of the Lord speaking like thunder:
"Tell me, what is more powerful than death and fear?"
I don't know Lord, I don't know" I answered Him trembling.
"Tell me, what is more powerful than death and fear?"
Then He told me, "It is temptation!" He then added, "If you
are still standing, it's because of my grace. I know the heart of every man, and
if I caused you to face what you could not overcome, you would
fall like the rest of them. All men can fall into the same abomination; no one is
better than the next. If they have not fallen, it is because of My grace and My
love that sustain them."
I clearly understood how all of us can err and fall. Even having the best
of intentions, we can fall victims of Babylon. I began a process in which I
asked God to show me how much of Babylon
was in me, and how to exit that
system, which kills the life of God within us.
I returned from that vision to the city where the prophet was waiting for
me. At that moment I heard the voice of the Father pleading, "The doors of
Babylon are open to allow all of those who hear My voice to leave.
I am calling out from My holy mountain, Come out from there, MY PEOPLE! Only those who humble themselves
can exit. Only those who love My name more than theirs can see the way out. Many
of them touched my heart deeply as they cried for their cities and their
nations. I have next to me a flask filled with
their tears, and each one is a treasure to
Me. But when I raised them up and
gave them a name, they extolled themselves and formed a kingdom for themselves.
They laid down laws I did not give them, and they confiscated my flock. They
were imprisoned by Babylon who gave them a name to be recognized among the nations.
Their lamps have not been extinguished by reason of My love, but not much time is
As the Father spoke, I remembered something I had heard inside His heart,
in that place like the Holy of Holies where all the wounds against love are. His heart overflowed with intense pain coming
from a sore that bled incessantly. My body cramped just by looking at it. I heard
the voice of the Holy Spirit telling me, "My people have gotten so
accustomed to saying, 'I am from such and such church, or from Apostle so and
so, or from the such and such network, or from this denomination or that,’
which seems like something normal, permissible and even blessed by Me, when this
is an abomination that hurts Me deeply." The Father then said: "I will
not put up with this anymore."
I wept a lot because I am guilty of those wounds. However, ever since that day
I decided to dedicate my life to love and to do whatever is required so that
God sees His Church united by the bonds of the Spirit and free from the system
that separates and destroys us.