Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What are terrible times?

When Jesus Christ came and walked the earth as a human 2000 years ago, the religious system of his day was defined through the law. Now the Law had been given by God to expose sin and to teach people to live a good way in relationship to God and to others. People had taken the law and added their own traditions to it. These traditions defined how the law was understood and provided a measurement as to how well the law was kept. This helped the people to create a system whereby they could manage their relationship with God – if they did certain things; this would be pleasing to God and visa versa. The aim of this religious system was to please God. The only problem was, that the adherence to these traditions was externally focused, that is, as long as people could keep the traditions, they were unaware of the true condition of their innermost being, their hearts. Everything could look fine on the outside, but inside could be filled with dead men’s bones and everything unclean (Matthew 23:27).   

The bible teaches us that the religious system of the last days will be different to this. Paul, someone who had grown up with the Law and traditions, was given insight into these last days said the following of them: “They will be terrible times” (2 Timothy 3). Paul continues to define the following characteristics of the religious system of the last days:
  •           Members will be lovers of self
  •          Members will love money
  •          Members will love entertainment
It is of course the aim of this religious system to please God, so the love of God will be preached. The problem will be that the love of other things will have a higher value in the members life than the love of God. The members are not willing to “tolerate healthy doctrine, but with itching ears will surround themselves with teachers who cater to their own desires” (2 Timothy 4:3) That is why Paul says that it will have the form of religion, but will deny its power – the power to transform a life – the power to change a heart! This will be a religious system that has found a replacement for the Gospel of the Kingdom, changing it into a gospel for this world. It will therefore be opposed to Christ and the Message of the offense of the Cross – that people should die to self.

Just as the religious system arose in the time of Christ to stop his message and mission, so will this religious system arise against Christ (Anti-Christ) in the same way, using similar methods. It will define itself as the “true” religion, a protector of the faith and a guiding light through its educated and dedicated priesthood and its aged traditions.    

This religious system will arise against Christ and His followers – and the bible teaches us that it will have the following spiritual characteristics:
  •          It will be a resort and dwelling place of demons (Revelation 18:2)
  •          It will enslave the souls of its members (Revelations 18:13)
  •          It will be drunk on the blood of the true followers of Christ (Revelation 17:6, 18:24, 18:20)
  •          It will be responsible for the death of the true Prophets and true Apostles (Revelation 17:6, 18:20, 18:24)
This religious system is a spiritual city called “Babylon”. Therefore the voice from the heavenly city shouts an urgent request to all who have been seduced by her “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues” (Revelation 18:4)

As we saw in the beginning, this religious system places a veneer of “righteousness” over its members – painting them “saved” but refuses to deal with the internal issues of the heart – that people truly be transformed back into the image of Christ. Therefore although an external coming out can be helpful, it is only the internal transformation of the heart that will bring true freedom.

Therefore be encouraged to open your heart to the Lordship of Christ (Revelation 3:20), renounce your life in the systems of this world that you may be translated into the Kingdom of the Glory of the Son. Let us strive towards the goal Paul defines, which is to be conformed to the death of Christ so that we may attain to His Resurrection Life in us (Philippians 3:10-11). Because, only as we renounce our lives and embrace His Life, can we become free from the power of deception and attain  to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13). Amen!